Free MP4 Media Player - Play MP4 Videos on PC?
You can see a lot of videos today in the Internet are with the extension of .mp4 since mp4 videos encoded in MP4 format look fantastic, especially for those defined by MPEG. You may have a lot of MP4 files in your computer. Unluckily Windows’s app Windows Media Player can’t support MP4 playback by defalt. You have to install some MP4 codecs for Windows Media Player if you want to watch MP4 videos. It may be some kind of waste-of-time thing, however, Aurora Blu-ray Media Player is also available for MP4 files playback as a MP4 Media Player.
Here we show the guides of how to use MP4 media player to play MP4 formats as well as some special settings on the media player
Step 1) Free download Aurora Blu-ray Media Player and install it in your computer
Step 2) Select “Open File” or click “File-Open File” and choose the MP4 files you want to play.
Special Settings
1) If you want to know some information about your video, such as its video and audio codec and the resolution of the video you can click ”Window-Media Information”.

2) Sometimes you will find that what you see and what you hear are out of sync. At this time you can find “Windows-Synchronization”, then you can adjust the Synchronization of both the audio and subtile.

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